Sunday, December 6, 2009


So its the holidays and i haven't posted in two months. Haha just created an account at, and what i mean by that is, i'll probably spend more time there now and i'll probably take like forever to blog here again, (MAY NOT BE TRUE, but could happen). Blogtv is awesome, you dont have to type everything you feel like saying out, all you have to do is have a webcam, and have it connected then you could start talking your ass off. hahahahaha. Fluffee got me started. And well he is really funny and rad. And yeah you get subscribers there, which could make you famous, i think. Its like moblast, but better? hahah. OK, what else you wanna know about my life? I'm chewing gum now if that amazes you. Strawberry and kiwi flavored gum, and if you got to know, its not really my favorite flavor, i just chewed it because i cant seem to find any other flavors at my convenience. I've been watching loads and loads of prison break episodes over and over again lately, i have no idea why, maybe because i find wentworth miller (Michael Scofield) really cute!. And yeah I've been watching a lot of Fluffee videos to, what can i say, that dude cracks me up. He says things like homemade and circumcision should never be in the same sentence, hahaha and some other thing about dicks and stuff. He also said this : " I wanna get a tattoo one day, a 'W' on both my ass cheeks, so when i bend over, it says 'WOW'. " For those of you who dont get the joke, try to keep up dumbass!!!! So me and my friends have been doing researches on how to cook meth, for weirdos who dont know what that is, its a drug. So, yeah its really easy, its known to be the cheapest drug you could get because well you could get the ingredients over the counter. And if you wanna know how to make it, its pretty obvious that I AINT GOING TO TELL YOU! If you really think i was going to give you that kind of information, you really really are a retard. Anyways, Christmas is coming and i cant wait, hopefully it will be awesome. So yeah, that all i have for now, have a good day, bye.

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